Patient Recruitment & Retention | Allucent
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Patient Recruitment & Retention

Tailored patient-centric solutions, delivered by trusted industry experts


Allucent’s Patient Engagement Team offers tailored strategies to support patient recruitment, engagement, diversity and compliance – working across a range of therapeutic areas and clinical study types, including on-site, decentralized, and hybrid trials.

Combining expertise and in-house services, we deploy an agile approach to solutions for your study by working with key stakeholders and trusted partners across the full spectrum of patient engagement, recruitment and retention.

  • Providing global reach and offering comprehensive solutions in 60+ countries. 
  • Communicating effectively through patient-focused materials.
  • Utilizing genetic data and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to identify patients and sites. 
  • Implementing genetic testing for trial inclusion. 
  • Engaging with patient communities to enhance participation and support. 
  • Providing global travel and concierge services to support study participants. 
  • Offering expertise in cross-border transportation, particularly for rare disease patients. 

Site Networks & Support

Why use site networks when conducting clinical trials?

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Diversity & Inclusion

Why achieving diversity is challenging and why it’s important?

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Patient Advocacy Group Support

How can Patient Advocacy Groups help improve patient recruitment and retention?

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Patient Education & Information

How do you increase patient participation in your clinical trial?

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Digital Patient Recruitment

What role can digital technology play in patient recruitment?

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Other Areas of Expertise

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