Case Studies

Navigating Regulatory Challenges: A Collaborative Journey to FDA Approval
Automated Exploratory Data Analysis to Support Pre-Specified C‑QT Models
Using PBPK to Predict CSF and Brain Exposure of CNS Penetrant Drugs
Unleashing the Power of Predictive Modeling: A Journey to Safe and Effective Dosing for a CNS Drug
Using PBPK to Optimize Magnesium Concentrations in an Intravenous Formulation
Using PBPK to Extrapolate Animal Tissue Concentrations to Humans
Using Modeling and Simulation to Determine FIH Dose
Gene Therapy
Due Diligence to Support a Client’s Decision-Making
Complex Concentration-QT Analysis
Grass & Birch Allergy Phase II Parallel Studies
Indolent NHL Immuno-Oncology Rescue Study