Allucent Scientists Author Top Downloaded Journal Article in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics in 2021

Allucent is proud to announce that the article, “The Approved Dose of Ivermectin Alone is not the Ideal Dose for the Treatment of COVID‐19,” was the most-downloaded article of 2021 in ASCPT’s Journal, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT).

The article has been downloaded over 85,000 times which is four times more than the second most downloaded article of just under 20,000 downloads. The article was also the fifth most-cited article in CPT in 2021.

Authored by Virginia (Ginny) Schmith, Ph.D., FCP, Lauren R.L. Lohmer, Ph.D., and Jie (Jessie) Zhou, Ph.D. the article discusses the feasibility of using ivermectin as a treatment for SARS-CoV-2 and concludes that the likelihood of a successful clinical trial using the approved dose of ivermectin is low.

By using an available population pharmacokinetic  (popPK) model, the team simulated plasma and lung concentration‑time profiles after a single dose and a repeat dose of the approved dose of ivermectin and dosed up to 10x the approved dose. The predicted plasma and lung ivermectin concentrations were lower than the concentrations likely to result in efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19.

The findings also suggest that a combination therapy should be evaluated and that re-purposing drugs for use in COVID-19 treatment is an ideal strategy but is only feasible when product safety has been established and experiments of re-purposed drugs are conducted at clinically relevant concentrations.

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