Overview of immuno-oncology clinical trial conduct and design investigating combination therapies

Immunotherapies have been increasingly successful with their efficacy as monotherapy regimens now well established. The aim now is raising the response rate and show effects in a wider range of patients. For that, the focus shifted towards combination regimens, combining immunotherapies with other immunotherapies or standard therapies. The challenge is to identify which combination works, […]

Comparison of Phase I/II trials regarding antigen-specific versus non-specific anticancer immunotherapies

Antigen-specific immunotherapy targets particular tumour associated antigens in order to address and eradicate solely tumour-marker defined cancer cells. In contrast, non-specific agents generally stimulate the immune system by for example reversal of immune suppression, or activation of innate immunity for a better anti-cancer immune response. We investigated whether differences among these two classes are reflected […]

Comparison of study designs, objectives and results of Phase I trials with cytotoxic versus non-cytotoxic anticancer agents

Cytotoxic anticancer agents are designed to kill tumor cells by interfering with cell division mechanisms. In contrast, non-cytotoxic anticancer agents intend to inhibit cancer growth by targeting specific proteins or signaling pathways or by activating the immune system. We investigated whether these different modes of action are reflected in study designs, objectives and results of […]