Great News from EMA in December: Three New Treatments for COVID-19

December 2021 brought great news for European COVID-19 patients, their health care providers, and the whole population suffering from medical and non-medical impacts of the pandemic. Just days before the second anniversary of the first report of the new disease in Wuhan, the EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) recommended authorizing three new treatments for COVID-19 […]

Respiratory Viral Infections: Progress and Innovation

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the impact that respiratory viral infections have on the health and well-being of the world’s populations. While so-called “emerging” pathogens like the SARS, MERS, and SARS-2 coronaviruses, along with avian and pandemic influenza, tend to grab the headlines, less well-recognized is the fact that respiratory infections caused […]

Understanding Long-Haul COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has now affected >204 million people and resulted in the deaths of >4.3 million since its recognition in late 2019. The unprecedented medical, research and public health response to this crisis fostered optimism during 2020 that control was within reach. However, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has continued to evolve and mutate, and new […]

Leveraging Autoimmune Therapies in Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research

The mRNA approach was first applied to cancer however has since been instrumental in the development of vaccines to protect against the transmission of COVID-19. Since which, science has been postulating other uses for the messenger RNA technology. In April 2021, Biospace called infectious diseases “low-hanging fruit” for messenger RNA and spoke of the COVID-19 pandemic as driving […]

Clinical Highlights from the First Virtual European Society for Medical Oncology Congress

This year’s ESMO Annual Scientific Meeting took place between 19th-21st of September, with the Educational Program occurring during the 16th-18th of October and an extended virtual exhibition of presented materials being available between September 14 and October 18. In contrast to all previous years, when scientists, clinicians, cancer nurses, industry partners, patient advocates and relevant press and […]

Immuno-Oncology Updates in the Virtual Era – ASCO 2020

This year’s ASCO Annual Scientific Meeting took place between May 29-31, with the Education Program planned for August 8-10. Unlike previous years, when researchers, clinicians, cancer nurses, industry partners and patient advocates from all over the world would gather in Chicago, this year’s meeting took place virtually to curb the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. […]

What’s New Health Canada?

What’s New in: Updates from Health Canada New Private Label Medical Device Licence Application Form 07 April 2020 Guidance Document: How to Complete the Application for a New Medical Device Licence/Medical Device Licence Amendment for a Private Label Medical Device 09 April 2020 Type of Update and Link Date Posted Guidance Document – Preparation of […]